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- Christoph and Diamant winning $40,000 Brownland Grand Prix
- Trainer Cristi Caruso and her horse Whistler jumping in Brownlands Summer Grand Prix
- Cailin Schaefer her show jumper Gesha winning the RMI Classic in Chattanooga
- Elizabeth Konyen showing her hunter, Cosmo, at Brownland Farm
- Ana Lisa Carr and family celebrating her Classic win
- First horse show for Layla and Zain with Rocky and Splash
- Jackie and Best Man bringing home a blue ribbon in their first lead line class
- Elizabeth Johnson and Pretzel
- Alison and Oscar at Brownland
- Horse show ready with Jessica Lampkins + Patton and Hannah Dudney + Flash
- Natalie Dyess and Leland
- Lillian Cruz taking home a reserved champion with Roxanne
- Cailin Schaefer's Senior photo with Hannah Dudney's Flash
- Meadow and her jumping pony Tia
- Cailin Schaefer jumping BIG on show jumper Gesha
- MTHJA 2013 Awards
- Camwood Junior riders decorating their ponies at the holiday barn bash
Show Season 2019